Ease the Freeze in Belize II (#2524)

Date and Time

Sunday, February 16, 2025 - Wednesday, February 26, 2025




Registration is required for this activity. Please contact leader(s).


Let's escape winter's grip in the place that coined the term ecotourism! This tropical getaway offers lots of warm adventure opportunities. We'll get to relax in an inland jungle lodge that's been run by a Belizean family for three generations - their hospitality is as genial as the climate, and the home-cooked food as fresh as the surrounding forest. Each day will offer a different natural or cultural adventure. There will be a canoe adventure on the Rio Macal right from the lodge. We'll see iguanas, monkeys, and crocs, and stop at a medicinal botanical garden along the way. Birders will be in their glory with the tremendous number of species found here, and we'll have expert guides to spot them for us. Other days we'll visit caves, waterfalls, and other natural wonders of the jungle. We'll go tubing in a crystal-clear spring fed cave and visit Mayan cultural sites. Our Belizean guides will show us all the natural and cultural wonders of their tropical homeland. Then we'll go on a river boating adventure into Northern Belize to an amazing Mayan city in ruins, as well as to a wildlife sanctuary on a lagoon. And, since Belize has more to offer than just inland jungle adventures, we'll begin on the Caribbean coast for three nights and take in the coastal sunshine on Caye Caulker, an offshore island close to the famed Hol Chan Marine Reserve, a UNESCO World Heritage site, where we can snorkel at the famed barrier reef offshore. January is the beginning of the dry season here. Expect temperatures to be comfortably warm with a possible good hot coastal day. The locals here are as friendly as the weather. And since Belize was once a jewel in the British Empire, English is the most common language among the other native tongues.

AMC Trip Policy


Adult: $3,735 member / $3,835 non-member

Related Link(s):

2524 Prospectus

Click map for driving directions




Wait Listed




Adults (18+)


Samir Patel first became a member of AMC in 1992. He has led Adventure Travel trips to New Zealand, Switzerland, Nepal, the Dolomites in Italy, Ireland, Alaska, Canadian Rockies, and various national parks in the US. He has traveled to many parts of the world with the AMC Adventure Travel Program including Japan and Mexico. He is certified in Wilderness First Aid and CPR. Samir can be reached at 978-270-0714 or [email protected].


Leo Pon has been an active hiking and bicycling leader for the Connecticut Chapter for over 20 years as well as for Outdoor Adventures, LLC. In addition to leading day and weekend activities for AMC, he has led many domestic and overseas trips for OA. He has attended the Colorado Outward Bound School, AMC Mountain Leadership School, and the National Outdoor Leadership School. Leo is a Wilderness EMT and was a Firefighter Paramedic for 23 years. Leo can be reached at 860-913-6692 [email protected]