Trail work on Zeacliff

Date and Time

Saturday, September 7, 2024


New Hampshire, White Mountains,


Registration is required for this activity.


Join us for a day of hiking and trail work in the Pemigewasset Wilderness. The hike will cover about ten miles and gain about 2,200 feet of elevation. The work portion will take part on the full Zeacliff Trail, totaling 1.6 miles. All trail work will be fairly light duty - primarily brush cutting with loppers and handsaws. No experience with trail work is required, this is a great opportunity to both learn and give back. AMC will provide all the required tools. Additionally, you will be rewarded for your great work with an amazing view of the Pemi atop the trail's namesake Zeacliff, as well as from Zealand Hut. The varied terrain includes a few steep climbs, some technical terrain and at least one water crossing. While no trail work experience is required, participants will be screened via phone call for adequate experience, fitness, and gear. At minimum, all participants should have recent experience with double digit mileage in the Whites, and have no issues carrying tools, which AMC will provide.

AMC Trip Policy



Trail work


Trail Work

Offered By

New Hampshire




Adults (18+)


(best time to call: 5:00 - 8:00 on weeknights)

Jamie is the AMCNH Excursions committee co-chair as well as a trail adopter. He lives in the Monadnock Region with his wife and cat. He leads a variety of hikes ranging from casual after work hikes in Southern NH to multi-peak trips in the White Mountains. Beyond hiking, he enjoys trail running, Nordic skiing and kayaking.

Leader in Training