Wednesday, November 6, 2024 - Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Boston Area Location TBD,
Massachusetts, Boston Area,
***REGISTRATION FOR WHP 2024/25 OPENS AT 8:00 PM ON OCTOBER 16TH*** Are you an avid 3-season hiker interested in learning to safely extend your hiking into winter? The 2024-25 Winter Hiking Program (WHP) is for you! WHP teaches participants the advanced skills and practical knowledge needed to safely and enjoyably hike the mountains of New England in winter conditions. The program is primarily oriented towards "3-season" hikers with a basic level of knowledge, experience, and fitness for hiking in the high mountains of New England. The WHP's program content and trip offerings will build directly upon this experience. If you have never stepped foot on a mountain or do not yet feel comfortable hiking in spring, summer, and fall conditions, it is suggested that you first take the Boston Chapter's Spring Hiking Program. WHP participants will attend live lectures and demonstrations led by AMC Boston Chapter Hiking Leaders, and then have the chance to try out their skills through a series of instructional hikes held throughout the winter months. Class instruction topics include heat management and winter hiking clothing, group hiking techniques, energy management and nutrition, winter travel and snowshoeing, winter safety and injury prevention, above tree-line hiking, non-technical use of ice axe and crampons, winter weather, back-country food prep and more. Class instruction includes numerous "breakout sessions", with hands-on opportunities to observe and learn about winder hiking gear. Lectures are not video-recorded and attendance at class sessions is strongly encouraged. A failure to attend a significant part of the class instruction may preclude your ability to participate in certain trips at the trip leader's discretion. The instructional in-class sessions held at a Boston area location from 7pm to 9pm on the following dates: November 6 November 13 November 20 December 4 December 11 Following the class sessions, there will be numerous hikes and weekend trips offered exclusively or preferentially to participants in this class to help participants put learning into practice. Winter hiking is a very different challenge than 3-season hiking, even for very experienced hikers. "Peakbagging" is not the program's objective. To this end, WHP trip offerings largely focus on gaining experience and skill building on easier and intermediate terrain (2,000' to lesser 4,000' footers). Participants are required to use appropriate gear on winter hikes and should expect to purchase, rent, or borrow this gear throughout the winter. Please refer to the listed Gear Requirements information. If you have general questions about our WHP program, please contact WHP coordinator, Eric Robbie. With questions about registration, please contact WHP registrar, Chris McCarron.