Saturday, December 7, 2024, 10:00AM - 2:00PM
Sudbury, MA,
Massachusetts, Boston Area,
MA United States
Are you jealous that winter is coming and some of us are all excited, while you are dreading staying indoors until Spring? Come find out how we stay warm, tromp through all that deep snow, and cross that slippery ice and much more. We will cover everything you need to know to become a Local Winter Hiker. It's free and you get the added bonus of joining us on a 5 mile hike on the trails in this area. We are offering 2 Winter Workshops this year, both on the same date but different locations so you can choose one that is closer to you. The second location is the Blue Hills Reservation in Milton, MA. Please sign up for only one and come learn how great winter hiking is! The inclement weather date for this event will be Sunday, December 8. Leaders for this hike are Pam Richardson, Michelle DeVivo, Jon Unger and Michael Glicksman.