Thursday, December 5, 2024
Airline Trail, Colchester CT,
Connecticut, East of River,
A 7.5 mile rails-to-trails hike on flat terrain from Rte. 2 in Colchester eastward crossing bridges over the Jeremy River and Judd Brook, through a small section of the Salmon River State Forest, passing by Grayville Falls Park, and on to the very scenic Raymond Brook Marsh area in Hebron. We will then retrace our steps (after a rest break) back to the commuter parking lot. Since this is an in and out hike, you can turn around and go back any time to make it a shorter hike. Meet 9:45 AM for a prompt start at 10:00 AM in the commuter parking lot at exit 16 (Rte. 149) off Rte. 2 in Colchester. Do not get off Rte. 2 at exit 18 (that exit is for Rte. 16). We will stop at a nearby restaurant after the hike for refreshments.