Washington DC Bike Weekend

Date and Time

Friday, September 6, 2024 3:00PM - Monday, September 9, 2024 10:00AM


Arlington VA,
Virginia, Northern,


Registration is required for this activity.

Registration is closed


This bicycling weekend in Washington DC is a wonderful way to explore the iconic sights of our nation's capital. DC has 24 miles of protected bike lanes and more than 800 miles of biking trails throughout the metropolitan region. On arrival Friday afternoon, we'll check in to our hotel (near the bike trail and the Metro) and prepare for an evening bicycle tour previewing some of the impressive monuments of the District. Saturday, September 7, we join the car-free and social 2024 DC Bike Ride, and cruise 20 miles of car-free streets, taking in the monuments and scenery with live music and rest stops along the way, finishing at a festival by the US Capital Building. We'll have afternoon to ride to the Anacostia Riverwalk Trail, or you may always visit the museums along the Mall on your own. On Sunday, we'll ride along the Potomac on the beautiful Mount Vernon Trail, to the home of George Washington. A leisurely Monday morning breakfast will prepare us for the journey back home. We expect to cycle 20 to 40 miles each day at a social pace of 10-12 mph, stopping to regroup and take photos, although you may turn around whenever you like. Please register yourself for the 2024 DC Bike Ride (in the Beginner wave) at: The 2024 DC Bike Ride registration includes: Access to 20 miles of safe, completely car-free streets Iconic Views, live music and unforgettable interactive experiences Full stocked rest stops with snacks, water and bathroom breaks Extensive mechanical support along the course Access to the Finish festival with music, food trucks, activities and giveaways Branded water bottle Cost $625 per person (Leader will send information on payment method after registration.) Included: 3 nights hotel DO 3 breakfasts 3 nights hotel parking guided biking in DC Not included: Registration in the 2024 DC Bike Ride (currently $79) Lunches or dinners

AMC Trip Policy


Adult: $625 member
*3 nights hotel DO 3 breakfasts 3 nights hotel parking 3 days guided biking in DC area

Related Link(s):

DC Bike Ride 2023 Video
DC Bike Infrastructure Video
2024 DC Bike Ride Registration

Leo Pon in DC



Offered By





Adults (18+)


I have been a cycling and hiking leader for over 20 years with the Connecticut AMC Chapter. I am a Wilderness EMT and was a Career Firefighter Paramedic for 23 years. I am also the Connecticut Chapter Bicycling Chair.